Sunday, October 10, 2010

End of Hour 15

well I had intended to finish the Troost this past hour but he kept describing food and I suddenly realized that the meager bowl of oatmeal that I had consumed a couple of hours ago would not suffice.  So I cooked up my Sunday morning artery clogging special - bacon, fried potatoes and onions with scrambled eggs.  I made a small pot of Tazo Passion tea and I'm ready to eat and finish this book.

Hourly tally:  Pages read: 23 (aarrgghh....)
CONSUMED: nothing (ok . I cheated and half a slice of bacon)

1 comment:

kikiv68 said...

"Woke up this morning with/a terrific urge to lie in bed all day and read."-Raymond Carver.
Sunny reading vibes from Miami...Dewey's Read-A-Thon Cheerleader. Keep up the good work!